Saturday, July 5, 2008

Brainstorming about PowerPoint and Web-pages

Before my trial with Linux, I was trying to decide a topic that I was going to use for my PowerPoint presentation and my web-page. I wanted the subject area to connect because then I could have a more cohesive website. I am taking a Religious Studies class this semester on the Upanishads. The Upanishads are a part of the Vedas and the Upanishads are an important part of the Hindu religion. I wanted Hinduism to be the subject of my website. I quickly realized that the Upanishads are much too complex for the purposes of my website. I entertained the idea of covering only one aspect of the Upanishads, but this was still too complex in scope.

I then decided to pick an aspect of Hinduism that would relate in some way to library science. My webpage would show the basic belief system of Hinduism and my PowerPoint would showcase the goddess Saravati. During the course of my research, I learned about this interesting deity within Hinduism. Saravati is the goddess of learning and knowledge in the Hindu tradition. She is a goddess that is particularly important to teachers and students. I was excited about sharing this aspect of Hinduism with the class because it would show how knowledge and learning are an important part of the Hindu religious tradition. I gathered material about Saravati and Hinduism for my PowerPoint presentation and my website. I tried to make the material fit into the context of the class. After finding websites, pictures and general information about the subject, I started building the content portion of my website. I tried to force the subject matter into the scope of my project. I finally had to admit that I was too ambitious with what I wanted to accomplish, and I decided to scratch my web- page and Power Point projects and start from the beginning.

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